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Your eyes sparkle like jewels!
SGD24.50 (retail price : SGD 27.50), save $3!
Your eyes sparkle like jewels!
SGD24.50 (retail price : SGD 27.50), save $3!
Jewelling Eyes
Eyelids are covered in multi-faceted jewels. An array of translucent pearls shine astonishingly at every angle! An eyeshadow that fulfills all your wishes...Eyes glitter like gems.
◆ Available in 8 sparkling palettes :
RD784 自戀 Conceited/ PK383 蛇毒 Strawberry Temptation/ BL381 洪水 Outpour/ SV887 善惡Good & Evil /
PK785 羞澀 Shyness/ GR780 橄欖 Olive/ VI782 虛榮心 Vanity/ GD886美貌 Showy
◆ Product:日本
◆ Size : 30 ml
How does Jewelling Eyes give off an intense sparkle?
Contrast of light gives ff sparkle like a polyhedron.
Formulated with a mixture of virtually colorless, translucent pearls of various sizes, a range of light reflections occur, resulting in a variety of light intensities being reflected from a polyhedral cut. The eyelids then emit contrasting glitter every time they are seen from a different angle.
Eyelids are covered in multi-faceted jewels. An array of translucent pearls shine astonishingly at every angle! An eyeshadow that fulfills all your wishes...Eyes glitter like gems.
◆ Available in 8 sparkling palettes :
RD784 自戀 Conceited/ PK383 蛇毒 Strawberry Temptation/ BL381 洪水 Outpour/ SV887 善惡Good & Evil /
PK785 羞澀 Shyness/ GR780 橄欖 Olive/ VI782 虛榮心 Vanity/ GD886美貌 Showy
◆ Product:日本
◆ Size : 30 ml
How does Jewelling Eyes give off an intense sparkle?
Contrast of light gives ff sparkle like a polyhedron.
Formulated with a mixture of virtually colorless, translucent pearls of various sizes, a range of light reflections occur, resulting in a variety of light intensities being reflected from a polyhedral cut. The eyelids then emit contrasting glitter every time they are seen from a different angle.
[Technique : How to Apply]
1. 首先以眼影棒粗端取適量流鑽光感粉末,請抹於眼頭或眉下提升光澤度。
Apply Jeweling color (1) under eyebrows and inner corner of eye. Dazzling!
2. 再以眼影棒粗端沾取幻澤亮粉,輕抹於整個眼皮。
Take Nuance color (2) and shade on over the upper eyelid.
3. 以眼影棒細端取適量邃目光澤粉,自眼尾往眼皮中央輕輕塗抹。
Then blend in shade (3) from the outer corner of your eue to the center of your eyelid.
4. 最後以眼影棒細端沾取珍珠眼線色,沿著上下眼際的眼尾1/3處描繪,即可完成寶石般閃亮輝耀的效果。
Line the upper lid and 1/3 of the lower lid from the outer corner with line color (4).
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