New! Cool Stylish Brooch

2-way attachable Brooch - with pin and clip. An easy way to be in your own style!
Good match with blazer, bags, jumper, scarves, clothes like dresses or shirts.
You can even have it clip on your hair band~

Some Ideas~

BR24116 Black Zip/Brown Zip/Purple Zip $9.00

BR24111 $9.00

BR24112 $9.00

BR24113 $9.00


BR24115 - Handmade Brooch $9.00

BR24114 - Handmade Brooch $9.00

BR24119 Navy Brooch $10.00

BR24120 Crown Brooch $9.00

BR24121 Crown Brooch $9.00

BR24122 - Handmade Brooch [Design : Apple Black/Pink]
BR24122 Handmade Brooch [Design :Hi 5/Star]
BR24122 Handmade Brooch [Design :Hi 5/Star]