08' SHISEIDO 资生堂 「MAJOLICA MAJORCA 恋爱魔镜」极太~第二代加倍浓密保湿光泽感睫毛膏 

Prod Code : MAS2002-MJ
「MAJOLICA MAJORCA」 Lash Enamel Glamour Neo
◆ We are selling @SGD22.90 (compare to retail price @SGD25.90)

~~魅惑光感睫毛膏 第二代~~
~~加倍浓密光泽感睫毛膏 ~~

★ 根根分明梳子状刷头
★ 梳子型刷头再进化, 创造出微整型般的浓密存在感!可轻松由睫毛根部将每根睫毛刷开!
★ 新添加"浓密湿亮因子",让根部睫毛立即散发浓密存在感! 加倍闪耀魅惑光泽 !
★ 湿亮光泽提升魅惑好感度! 让眼神更闪闪动人!
★ 超强防水,防汗和防皮脂效果, 睫毛更卷翘持久!

★ Comb type mascara
★ Enhanced comb type from 1st generation, create voluminous effect and separate each lashes easily with its comb type brush
★ Ultra thick impact
★ Voluminous extreme makeover mascara
★ Tears, sweat, face oil & water proof, curl able to stay longer!

◆ Product of Japan
◆ Color :
BK999 艳丽亮泽黑 Black
◆ Size : 7.5g

【How to Apply 使用方法】
将梳子型刷头的梳齿那端,由睫毛根部向上提刷, 反复刷上即可增强浓密感。
Use the comb to apply your lashes from root to tip, repeat applying if you want a voluminous extreme effect.

* 使用后请确实紧闭瓶盖。Please ensure the cap is closed tightly after use.

Please remove mascara with oil based eye removal , let the eye removal blend readily with mascara when apply and rub gently to remove. Do not hurt your eyes. Clean with water after removal.